
We’ve long considered Apple’s iPads to be the best tablets on the market, but determining exactly which model you should buy isn’t always straightforward. Do you just want a big screen for streaming and web browsing? Do you want a pseudo-laptop?


If you ask me, there's way too many little things we each have to keep track of daily. There's our phones, keys, wallets — the list goes on — and its hard to keep them all secure. So, it's nice when there's a sale on Bluetooth trackers that can do the hard work for you.

Engadget : Style, Technology

Replacing a smartphone every two years is partially why billions of phones go into landfills each year. If stacked flat atop one another, that many handsets would reach farther than the ISS.

Engadget : Style

Apple used to treat every public-facing announcement like an event. (Well, at least the good news.) Even its keynotes — ostensibly for investors and press — were well-orchestrated circuses.